Georg Krause

coding - music - building stuff


Phileas Fogg's Wealth

I was once again listening to the audio book "Around the World in Eighty Days", written by Jules Verne in 1872. If you don't know the book, its an adventure about a super rich person Phileas Fogg. He is visiting a club in London and closes a bet with other …

Luppp Signalflow

After some years of using and watching Luppp I decided this year to get into development of this project to. Like in any other open source project, there is a lot of stuff to do. So I red a lot about C++ and started by fixing simple stuff and got …

Introduction - Make music on Linux with Jack and amsynth

I was asked how to start making music with jack. There are some good ones, eg on Libre Music Production. But by answering questions with some documentation here it should be a good starting point to get deeper into this topic. This is only for impatient people which want to …

Jack + Pulseaudio

I am using jack for several years now and i think its fucking amazing. It does what it should. But i am a little annoyed of setting it up time and time again, stop it to switch the soundcard, start it again, restart all the applications which couldn't switch from …

Manjaro fresh install

I am back! I am back on my favorite linux distribution: Manjaro. Yesterday I did a fresh install after some time of using Arch Linux. The reason for the switch is, that Arch Linux does not have a nice looking, slim desktop environment and i dont want to spend a …

Shell Magic

New ZSH I was using the grml-zsh for a long time now. Since the bash isn't that nice, i just installed the zsh-grml-config package of Arch Linux. Yesterday Micha recommended me the oh my zsh so i give it a try. Setup At first we need to install the zsh …